
Giuseppe Rodriguez


A Matlab package for generating synthetic datasets for photometric stereo.
Authors: E. Crabu and G. Rodriguez.
The software is described in the paper Last updated: January 14, 2025.

FDEMtools3: a MATLAB package for FDEM data inversion.
Authors: G. P. Deidda, P. Díaz De Alba, C. Fenu, G. Lovicu, F. Pes, and G. Rodriguez
This package provides a set of Matlab functions to solve a non-linear electromagnetic data inversion problem. Starting from electromagnetic data collected by a ground conductivity meter, we reconstruct either the electrical conductivity or the magnetic permeability of the soil with respect to depth by a regularized Gauss-Newton method. The inversion algorithm is based on the low-rank approximation of the Jacobian of the nonlinear model, which depends both on a relaxation parameter and a regularization parameter, chosen by automatic procedures. It also include a module for forward modelling.
The package is described in the papers: The algorithms have been developed in the papers: The package requires the Regularization Tools toolbox by P.C. Hansen.
Last updated: January 29, 2023.

A package for the analysis of complex networks.
Authors: C. Fenu, L. Reichelm and G. Rodriguez.
The software is described in the paper Last updated: June 29, 2022.

mngn2: minimal norm solution of a nonlinear least squares problem.
Authors: F. Pes and G. Rodriguez.
This Matlab package implements the algorithms described in the papers: The package requires the routine get_l.m from the Regularization Tools toolbox by P.C. Hansen.
Last updated: December 14, 2021.

A Matlab package for photometric stereo 3D reconstruction.
Authors: A. Concas, R. Dessì, C. Fenu, G. Rodriguez, and M. Vanzi.
The software is described in the paper Last updated: February 9, 2023.

Recursive computation of the broadcast centrality.
Authors: M. Al Mugahwi, O. De La Cruz Cabrera, C. Fenu, L. Reichel, and G. Rodriguez.
The software is described in the paper Last updated: February 19, 2021.

specbip: a spectral method for bipartizing a network and detecting a large anti-community.
Authors: A. Concas, S. Noschese, L. Reichel, and G. Rodriguez.
This function approximates a given network by a bipartite one. The algorithm produces a node permutation which makes the possible bipartite nature of the initial adjacency matrix evident, and identifies the two sets of nodes. The same procedure can be used to detect the presence of a large anti-community in a network and to identify it. The toolbox is described in the paper Last updated: June 24, 2019.

pqser: a Matlab package for spectral seriation.
Authors: A. Concas, C. Fenu, and G. Rodriguez.
This toolbox contains an implementation of an algorithm to solve the seriation problem. It also implements a data structure for PQ trees. The toolbox is described in the paper The spectral algorithm has been introduced in the paper Last updated: September 20, 2018.

cosereg: regularization by the Comparison of Solutions Estimator (COSE) method.
Authors: M. E. Hochstenbach, Y. Park, L. Reichel, G. Rodriguez, and X. Yu.
The Comparison of Solution Estimator (COSE) is a strategy for choosing the regularization parameter by comparing the results of different methods. One of the functions in the toolbox is intended for small scale problems, the others are for large scale problems. Both standard and general form can be treated.
The algorithms are described in the papers: The package requires the Regularization Tools toolbox by P.C. Hansen.
Last updated: May 6, 2018.

orthomoms: a Matlab toolbox for the computation of the orthogonal moments of an image.
Authors: C. Di Ruberto, L. Putzu, and G. Rodriguez.
The functions in this package allow the computation of the moments of an image with respect to Legendre, discrete Chebyshev, and second kind Chebyshev orthogonal polynomials. The orthogonal moments are intended to be used as descriptors for image classification. The toolbox is described in the paper Last updated: March 5, 2018.

Computation of the subgraph centrality of the nodes of a directed network.
Authors: C. Fenu, D. Martin, L. Reichel, and G. Rodriguez.
This set of functions allows the computation of the subgraph communicabilities between the nodes of a network, either undirected or directed, as well as the starting/ending convenience. The computation of is performed by block Gauss/Anti-Gauss quadrature. The functions were developed for Matlab, but they are compatible with Octave. They are described in the paper Last updated: October 27, 2014.

Computation of the hub/authority centrality of the nodes of a network.
Authors: J. Baglama, C. Fenu, L. Reichel, and G. Rodriguez.
This set of functions allows the computation of the hub/authority centrality of the nodes of a network by three different algorithms: Gauss quadrature, low-rank approximation, and a hybrid method. The functions were developed for Matlab, but they are compatible with Octave. They are described in the paper The package contains a modified version of the routine irlba described in the paper We also use the routine irblsvds_leja, from We include a copy of both routines in the package, for user's convenience.
Last updated: July 4, 2014.

Computation of the subgraph centrality of the nodes of an undirected network.
Authors: C. Fenu, D. Martin, L. Reichel, and G. Rodriguez.
This set of functions allows the computation of the subgraph centrality of the nodes of a network. The functions were developed for Matlab, but they are compatible with Octave. They are described in the paper The package contains a copy of the routine irbleigs from Last updated: Jun 16, 2014.

Structured matrices toolbox.
Authors: M. Redivo-Zaglia and G. Rodriguez.
smt is a Matlab toolbox for structured matrix computation.
For documentation, see Last updated: January 20, 2011.

Solver for linear systems with displacement structure.
Authors: A. Aricò and G. Rodriguez.
This package provides a set of Matlab functions to solve linear systems whose matrix belongs to the following classes: Cauchy-like, Toeplitz-like, Toeplitz+Hankel-like and Vandermonde-like. The solvers have a computational cost O(rn2), and use O(rn) memory locations, where n is the size and r is the displacement rank of the matrix.
See Last updated: May 9, 2011.

Choosing a regularization parameter by error estimation.
Authors: G. Rodriguez.
This small Matlab toolbox contains some functions for determining a suitable value of the regularization parameter in TSVD and Tikhonov regularization by employing the error estimates described in the papers Some of the functions require the toolbox Regularization Tools by P.C. Hansen.
Last updated: March 10, 2010.

Fast solver for Toeplitz linear systems.
Authors: A. Aricò and G. Rodriguez (for the Matlab MEX gateway).
Authors: P.C. Hansen and T. Chan (for the computational routines).
This is a Matlab (Fortran) MEX gateway for TOMS Algorithm 729 by P.C Hansen and T. Chan, which implements a look-ahead Levinson method for the solution of Toeplitz linear systems. The algorithm is described in the paper Last updated: February 27, 2010.

Tikhonov regularization by Lanczos bidiagonalization.
Authors: L. Reichel and G. Rodriguez.
This Matlab function computes the Tikhonov regularized solution a linear system, choosing the regularization parameter by minimizing an estimate of the error. A test driver, (which requires the Regularization Tools) is included. The algorithm is described in the paper Last updated: October 6, 2009.

Fast least squares solver for Toeplitz linear systems.
Author: G. Rodriguez.
This Matlab functions compute the least squares solution of an overdetermined, full-rank, Toeplitz linear system, by a fast algorithm. The method is based on the computation of the Schur complement of an augmented matrix, and is described in the paper Last updated: August 4, 2007.

Find the corner of a discrete L-curve.
Authors: P.C. Hansen, T.K. Jensen, and G. Rodriguez.
This Matlab function implements an adaptive algorithm for computing the corner of a discrete L-curve. The L-curve is a technique used in regularization methods for estimating the regularization parameter. The algorithm is described in the paper This function is included in Version 4 of the Regularization Tools by P.C. Hansen.
Last updated: January 11, 2007.

Giuseppe Rodriguez