Analisi Numerica I
Corso di laurea in Matematica
A.A. 2000/2001
docente: prof. Giuseppe Rodriguez
- 1
Å. Björck.
Numerical Methods for Least Squares Problems.
SIAM, Philadelphia, 1996.
- 2
D. Bini, M. Capovani, and O. Menchi.
Metodi Numerici per l'Algebra Lineare.
Zanichelli, Bologna, 1988.
- 3
G.W. Stewart.
Matrix Algorithms. Volume 1: Basic Decompositions.
SIAM, Philadelphia, 1998.
- 4
G.W. Stewart.
Matrix Algorithms. Volume 2: Eigensystems.
unpublished, 2000.
- 5
G.H. Golub and C.F. Van Loan.
Matrix Computations.
The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, third edition, 1996.
Giuseppe Rodriguez